Sunday, 4 November 2012

One Step Forward


Well.... Maybe!

So today seemed fairly un- productive, I went up to my friends workshop this morning with the notion that i would be spending the entire day working hard on machineing new bits and getting things finshed. Not quite how it turned out im afraid, most of the day was spent playing around with eccentric rod lengths and such, trying to centralise the swings and movements of the valve gear and motion, That done now the vavles can be machined and sorted.


So the to do list now looks something like this,

1) finsh machineing valves to correct dimentions
2) Turn new pistons and rings,
3) bore all the rods where they have all been re-bushed
4) set valve timeing and re-attach wheels to axles,
5) re-machine the steam manifold for cylinders,

After all thats been done and sorted, we are almost on track (bad pun i know!) for a birthing chuff, or be it, on life support ( an air line) so we can see if it... well..... goes!

In other news

Paint has come on a long way, small detals have been done, so just some tidying up around the edges to do and we are all done that end of things. The new gauge glass set arrived but it a tad bigger than i hoped, so thats gunna need some thinking about. The origanal needs to be moved so the firebox door can be moved, but the new fittings are a bit larger than i anticipated so more thought needed to make that work. At some point i shall make a new steam T for it as well, a more .... scale version thats more astheticly pleaseing! and finnasly i have a rather cute half inch pressure gauge to go on, wich well .. will be a little hard to see but to be fair, its a lot more scale than the origanal.

Thats about the lot for tonight, after spending 3 odd hours diving to and from the workshop at my mates, and then doing band practice its all been a little hectic so i think its about time for a cup of tea and bed!


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