"they wanna see me in a blood soaked grave, but still i live to die another day,"
And normality ensues!
well i thought i would start off with something that's been on the old iPod today, have spent far too long at work today and just about made it though with something resembling sanity thanks to the newest slash album "Apocalyptic love" .. its a bit epic!Where is pug i hear?? ... or maybe that was me asking. well, Let me tell you a story of the little engine that really could.. or something like that.. wow my mind is scattered today!.. anyways... where was i?
Well it seems you lucky people are pretty much caught up with all that's gone on over the last month or however long its been going on, but fear not, there is more shiny new things happening
First and foremost is some .... slight beautification, remember how the cab looked? something like this..
Surprisingly a few easy to move countersunk screws and .. it fell apart in me hands guv!
time to get rid of the BR numbers and old paint me thinks!!
Also i removed the old screws for some nice smaller 6ba countersinks so they can have a smear of filler on them so one the new paint is done they will dissapear!
After the cab went through the work sand blaster next was the dome cap, it wasnt the right shape realy and poor machineing ment it was too small for the hole in the tank, so not wanting to throw stuff away and try a make a new one i came up with a plan,
a little bit of boring on the lathe to get the hole in and the semi- finished article looks better!
Other things that have gone through the sand blaster is the tank which looks rather lovely even without paint of any sort!
Today's work was the smoke box, another challenge as we are going back to original L&Y colours, the numbers off the front have to go. This left me with 2 M3 holes in the door to do something with ,, i was going to filler it up and pretend it never happened but no!!! Must do things right so i screwed 2 M3 bolts in and then filed them back flush with the door so when it gets painted it will be gone
Yes ok .. there is still a shed plate on the door, but i quite like it, and it will give the "rivet counters" something to whine about! Not that i'm trying to cause trouble hahahha! Also i'm filling the 2 bolt holes in the fron that come out on the sides of the door. Another of Winsons f**k ups! the bolts hold the door bar catches but they managed to drill all the way through so there are holes that need filling, as they are half on the front face and half in the door recess, another job for the filler i'm afraid!
P.S. Interesting to note the entire smoke box/ door. and funnel is all aluminium!
Lastly as a quick one off. a nice package arrived the other day, i ordered them on Monday night and blow me by the time i got home Wednesday night they were sat on my bed for me, 4 brand new shiny cylinder cocks, 5/32 x 40 so pug may be able to blow the water out the cylinders rather than throwing it all out into my face and over my nice new paint work!
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