Tuesday, 23 October 2012

To The Workshop !!!!

Its going to be a long day ...... isn't it?

Well apparently this has gone down well so far with the small consortium of people that i have shared it with. So much so that the "friend" that bought the engine with in the first place, and is heavily involved in the pug project is already wanting Pt 3!

Well just for him, (and i have an hour to spare infront of the computer before a band gathering type thing) here is Pt 3..

so where was I? 

...... oh yes catch up,
Well being a kit built loco to start with it all came apart fairly easily, and soon was down to a frame ready for the work to begin, so we had a sit around and a few cups of tea and a long chat and decided on the work needed and who would do it. 
first was to re-machine the axle box horns and make new axle boxes to remove the large amount  of float, Mr F took the frames away and some material to get on with it, whilst i looked into the next bits.

No corners cut here, new steel axle boxes rather than the useless brass rubbish that Winsons decided was a good idea and new Oilite bushes in the boxes for a smooth sexy running fit, 

Meanwhile elsewhere in the world!

 The first thing on my to-do list was eccentric straps, the old ones were also brass, and about .5mm big in all directions, possibly due to a small amount of wear and some poor machining to start with so onto the lathe i went and cut down a lump of cast iron. Having turned it to a rough dimension  i milled a flat for the rods to bolt onto and then went about drilling the holes in it that would eventually clamp the two half's together.

Hopefully this odd version of word will allow me to get these pictures into some form of order, so it should show you a chronological sequance from rough billet

after a some milling work

More milling work, bolt holes added

And finally parting into 4 rings

They were then split by hand and then the cut faces milled and bolted back together. this left then ready for boring out to finish size

Well this should shut Mr F up, also i have ran out of time plus this is getting to be too much like a documentary for my liking! more will follow when i have 10 mins to scribble some more ramblings down ... and hopefully in a less ... regimented fashion!
Now off to play some guitar and do some random stuff like that!

Rock N' Roll!!!!!!

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