Tuesday, 19 November 2013

And the madness continues!

Well..... You wouldn't want it any other way! 

So another week has rolled on.  And to be fair I'm having issues trying to organise my mind this week, so apologies if this comes out a little.... All over the place! Having a gig Thursday things have been a little practice orientated!

So... What's been going on? ... Well... 

Friday saw a bit of steam testing. 5 odd miles on the road and the new pump is a definable improvement! Also the new gauge glass protector works! No broken glasses!  Bonus!

So yea, apart from that as I mentioned before.... The Burrell has returned! I've been pushing on with it all, working through the back log of kits. So because I haven't really planned this out i think the best thing is a picture montage!!!! (enter the rocky theme ..... Or at least a less copy-right'd thing)
Here go's from when I left off!

So tender is coming along! I need too get it all sealed up, and now it's temporarily bolted onto the horn plates, I can test all the bolt holes, I got a whole load of other bits to play with, firebox door. Ash pan. Cladding. And some other random bits! All I need now is a boiler to start getting it all put together! 
Well That's enough for now!
Ill try and keep more tabs on what I'm doing and try and get all this in some form of order for the next one. At the moment I feel like I'm just ramming pictures up for the sake of it which ain't cool!
Anyways, keep rocking!

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