Monday, 4 November 2013

I can see clearly now.....

I have windows! .... Bet ya. Didn't see that coming huh?! Things are moving on. And works being done!

I think I shifted this cold/ chest infection rubbish in under a week! So feeling full of the joys of life and all that, the Fodens getting some much needed love this week, fist up as I've said ... I have windows. The old mans been putting in work!! And the outcome is satisfying! He's been on a bender to get these windows done and I've just finished the additions to jack the cab up and inch so it's now the right height ! 

The difference it's made is massive, it looks so much better that little bit higher, so now the cabs coming together nicely and it looks proper, it's starting to feel less open plan and more like the dark closed in environment I got used to with the full size sentinel timber tractor I used to play with,

My efforts have turned toward the mechanicals again, fist up was a bit of plate work

The start of the gear guards and chain covers which is a pleasuring sight! (No more skinned knuckles trying to change gear on the run!!!!) 

Today's project is the pump, the little thing barely keeps the water level constant on the run, so first plan is to up the bore, if that ain't enough, up the stroke as well! So I took the pump off and took it to work 

I've gone form a 9.5 mm Dia ram to a 12mm ram ( the biggest thing I can get in there without risking Breaking through the walls of the pump,)
According to the maths, with a 10 mm stroke. ( as a good approximation of what I'm getting) the old ram was taking a volume of 708mm3, the 12mm dia gives 1130m3 which means I'm getting 59% increase in water space in the pump system, so that's a damn good start!!! I'm aiming for the pump being man enough to go from an empty glass Tina full glass in around. 2 mins on a moderate crank speed, that way it shouldn't cool the boiler water to quick but defiantly make keeping up with the boilers usage on a run adequately, I may even look into a feed water Pre heater. If I could think of somewhere to take the pump pipe to Pre heat it!! Suggestions maybe?... Anyone?? Hello ??? .... Ok Maybe I'll think about that one! Anyway, back to the grind I go whilst planning the new pump gland and the work on the ram to fix it to the eccentric rod,

Happy Monday!!!!

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